Florida Repeater Council Meeting Minutes Melbourne Hamfest Saturday October 14, 2006 Open Meeting commenced at 15:10 1. President's opening announcements 2. 146.700 Orlando machine operating without coordination. Dir Ralph spoke with Coy, Repeater Trustee, and advised that he needed to prove the machine was on the air. So far after 4 months there is no proof the machine is operational. Referred to board meeting for disposition. 3. K9MFJ made issue with the time it is taking to obtain coordination. Several directors indicated there is currently a backlog but we are working through them. 4. Suggestion made to have a working application based database. 5. 146.76 in Pasco Co needs to be de-coordinated. 6. 444.575 in Broward Co has conflicting coordination requests. Mark, D1, is working the issue. Open Meeting Adjourned at 15:43 Board Meeting Commenced at 15:45 1. Secretary�s reading of previous minutes waived. 2. Treasury report waived. Dana indicates there is approximately $7,400 in the bank account. 3. There are approximately 67 requests to be acted upon by the coordinator. The goal is to have these completed before our database submission to the ARRL on Jan 1 2007. 4. Director Reports D1-one issue handled by D2 while D1 was away. D2-reports that he has had numerous repeaters moving without authorization between Districts 1 and 2. Suggests we do an updated FAQ page on the FRC website noting that relocations and technical changes require authorization. D3-needs new coordination application for 145.370. 145.310 is now operational. D4-No issues. How do we handle IRLP interference? D5-Motion made to de-coordinate AC4Y 146.700 Orlando. Motion passed. Send de-coordination letter. D6-No report. Not in attendance. D7-Not getting responses to update requests. 147.315 Jacksonville transfer of ownership issue. We need Bill of Sale and letter from old Trustee releasing frequency pair to new applicant. D8�Two coordination transfers. 147.375 DeFuniak Springs and 146.970 Perry. Dana will process these applications. New applications were received for existing repeaters 147.075 and 146.940 in Panama City. Motion made to reject these new applications. Motion passed. 5. Miami Hamfest date to be determined. 6. Should we do hard or soft copy of the Newsletter? Discussion tabled until next meeting. We would like to give people a choice. 7. Motion made to keep 146.940 for emergency use. Motion passed 4-3. Existing coordinations remain valid and no new coordinations will be issued on this pair. 8. Coordination Committee recommendations presented by D4. Motion made and passed to accept proposal. Committee to start immediately and run as a trial for one year with the goal of making the Committee permanent at that time. Committee consists of D2, D4, and Coordinator Dana. FRC rules will need updating to reflect Coordination Committee vs. Frequency Coordinator. Database will need updating to allow logins and updates by the different directors. We will allocate 5 UHF frequency pairs for low power, low altitude, �backyard� repeaters. The FRC will coordinate these but only as a registration process. Trustees will still have to follow normal operating guidelines, with the understanding that these frequencies are shared and not protected. 9. Policy Subcommittee � Nilo D1 has begun working these issues and submits his findings to Ralph D5 sometime in December. Discussion tabled until February meeting. 10. UHF Emergency Pair Allocation � tabled until February meeting. 11. Discussion on Coordination Database fields - Motion made and passed to add the following fields: Coordination Grantee, Sponsor, and Trustee. These additions are necessary to reflect that the owner of a coordination is the Coordination Grantee, not the Trustee. Procedures need to be written for this. 12. ARRL Reimbursement � we need to use our Federal Tax ID to allow for reimbursement over $599. 13. Motion made to remove a director if they do not attend 3 consecutive meetings. Removal must be approved by a 2/3 of the Board. Removal letter must be sent to the effected Director before removal. Motion passed. 14. Digital Repeater Discussion, Mike D4 � Time has come to have procedures to manage these systems. Both Texas and Alabama Repeater Councils have experience with these systems so Frank, D8, will call them for information. Results to be discussed at Orlando meeting. We are looking for comments so please send them to [email protected] Board Meeting Adjourned at 17:10 Minutes Submitted by: Marshall Paisner, N4BIF Secretary FRC